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WODEF is building a strong women’s movement in Kenya by making grants, strengthening women’s capacity, building strategic alliances, and mobilizing resources.
Economic Empowerment & Rights
Increasing access to economic rights, empowerment and climate justice in the rural Kenya
Our strategy focuses on enhancing the participation of women and girls in economic activities, development programs, and financial inclusion across Kenya. We support women-led and owned start-ups and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Rural Women Economic Resilience Initiative (RWEER)

Economic Justice for Women Entrepreneurs (EJWE) Workshop

The workshop brought together women entrepreneurs from all walks of Kisii and Nyamira Counties of Kenya to discuss the challenges they face while conducting their businesses. The Workshop also involved sensitization on local economic opportunities available to boost women’s innovative enterprise ideas at the grassroots level. Different stakeholders including the State department of gender, Ward representatives/Member of County Assembly, members of CSOs and the local administration were engaged during the training workshop.
Poultry Farming Projects

WODEF is partnering with Uzima Chicken to empower women groups with training and capital support to invest in poultry farming in remote areas of Western Kenya Region. The Project aims to empower poor families increase income level while meeting other basic household needs including food and nutrition.
Climate Smart Agriculture Project

WODEF implements Smart Climate agriculture projects through registered and unregistered women groups and organizations facing challenges in accessing funding. The CSA project’s key goal is to train communities on adaptive climate smart methods in food production to improve food security, increase household income level and improve nutrition and health among vulnerable women-headed households from all walks of Western Kenya Region.
1. Anti-FGM Campaigns
Let us give girls and women a better future, by saying NO to FGM!

“Female Genital Mutilation is against the law, it’s against the constitution and is an illegal activity. No Kenyan shall be subjected to Female Genital Mutilation.” – President William Samoei Ruto.”
WODEF stands in solidarity with the Government to catalyze grassroot campaigns against FGM in Kisii & Nyamira Counties of Kenya.

2. Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
Increasing Access to SRHR Services

We focus on increasing access to SRHR services for women and girls, including information, contraceptives, and youth & women-friendly centers. WODEF advocates for SRHR rights and policy reforms, working with LIPs to prevent sexual and gender-based violence.
The Dignity Pad (DP) Initiative
About the production of Organic Sanitary Pads and Baby Napkins using banana stalks

3. WASH-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in School Communities.
Increasing Access to Safe Water & improved Sanitation in School Communities

WODEF is determined to lobby other stakeholders and like-minded organizations to promote Rural School Community Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) to achieve universal, adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all with special attention to the needs of women and girls, and those in vulnerable situations. We are transforming community health-seeking behaviors through community health, water, sanitation and hygiene education

4. Community Support for Mental Health Programs
Improving Outcomes of Mental Health among Vulnerable groups in rural communities

We are determined to educate individuals, communities, and societies about the importance of mental health and the risks associated with drug use. This awareness aims to reduce stigma, promote early intervention, and encourage healthy behaviors.

Prevention of Violence against Women and girls (VAWGs)

Prevention of Violence against Women and girls (VAWGs)
WODEF seeks to support initiatives or interventions addressing sexual harassment, defilement and rape cases, physical, emotional, and psychological violence against women and girls; Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriages, and teenage pregnancies.
WODEF works with the Local Implementing Partners (LIPs) to promote short-term and long-term interventions to provide a medico-legal response, increase the level of community awareness, and lobby for policy reforms that favor women and girls to improve service delivery and access to services.
We strongly believe that shifting power structures, norms, beliefs, and systems in favor of women, girls, and children’s rights is the foundation for building new synergies to allow meaningful participation of individual persons and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Education & Training
Our vocational program, through the Nyansira Vocational Hub, has been a transformative force for girls and vulnerable young women, offering them pathways to self-sufficiency. WODEF is committed to providing training in tailoring, hairdressing, entrepreneurship, and digital skills, as a strategy to empower girls and young women to break barriers and establish small businesses within their communities.
Empowering every woman, girl & child to be free
We are mobilizing resources to empower grassroots feminist organizations and champion women’s and girls’ rights